Smart532 Laser Photocoagulator
532 nm Photocoagulation Laser with SmartPluse Technology
Smart 532™ is the newest photocoagulator by Lumenis,
enhanced with the advanced SmartPulse™ technology.

What is SmartPulse™ Technology?
SmartPulse™ is a tissue-spearing solution for the treatment of retinal diseases, that allows sub-threshold retinal treatment.
Lumenis SmartPulse™ is integrated in the Smart 532™ (532nm green laser) system, to offer maximal efficacy with minimal collateral damage.
SmartPulse™ Mode

Celebrating 50 years of innovation with the launch of the new retinal care photocoagulator

1970: Lumenis (previously Coherent) introduced the first argon laser photocoagulator in ophthalmology.

2016: Lumenis proudly launches the new retinal care portfolio, starring Smart 532™, the new green photocoagulator with SmartPulse™.
Risks and warnings: Smart532 is contraindicated when corneal opacities, cataract formation, and vitreous hemorrhage interfere with the physician’s view of the retina. Inadvertent photocoagulation with Smart532, especially close to the fovea or the optic nerve head, can cause permanent visual loss. Major retinal vessels should be avoided. For a complete list of contraindications and risks, refer to the operator manuals.
PB-00026290 Rev B