Arita et al. (2019): Therapeutic efficacy of intense pulsed light in patients with refractory meibomian gland dsyfunction

The results of a prospective, random control trial show the combination of Lumenis IPL with OPTTM and Meibomian Gland Expression (MGX) improves tear film homeostasis and ameliorates ocular symptoms in patients with refractory Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).

The results of a prospective, random control trial show the combination of Lumenis IPL with OPTTM and Meibomian Gland Expression (MGX)

Indication for Use:
Improvement of signs of Dry Eye Disease (DED) due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), also known as evaporative dry eye or lipid deficiency dry eye, in patients 22 years of age and older with moderate to severe signs and symptoms of DED due to MGD and with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. IPL is to be applied only to skin on the malar region of the face, from tragus to tragus including the nose (eyes should be fully covered by protective eyewear). IPL is intended to be applied as an adjunct to other modalities, such as meibomian gland expression, artificial tear lubricants and warm compresses

Treatment with M22 or OptiLight is contraindicated for patients with the following conditions in the treatment area:
Ocular surgery or eyelid surgery or Neuro-paralysis within 6 months prior to the first treatment; Uncontrolled eye disorders affecting the ocular surface; Pre-cancerous lesions, skin cancer or pigmented lesions in the planned treatment area; Uncontrolled infections or uncontrolled immunosuppressive diseases; Recent Ocular infections; Prior history of cold sores or rashes in the perioral area, including: Herpes simplex 1 & 2, Systemic Lupus erythematosus and porphyria; Use of photosensitive medication and/or herbs that may cause sensitivity within 3 months prior to the first IPL session; Recent radiation therapy to the head or neck or planned radiation therapy; Recent treatment with chemotherapeutic agent or planned chemotherapy; History of migraines, seizures or epilepsy.
Patients eyes must be completely occluded during the treatment. Please refer to the operator manual for a complete list of intended use, contraindications and risks.
Please consult your physician as to whether this procedure is suitable for you.

The following possible side effects can occur following IPL treatments:
Pain/discomfort, damage to natural skin texture, change of pigmentation, scarring, excessive edema, fragile skin, bruising, burns, pruritus and xerosis. Please refer to the user manual or ask your doctor for a complete list of intended use, contraindications and risks.

  • Lumenis has an interest in the study device (M22 system).
  • All uses of the M22 system described in the information were approved by the FDA, except the following:
    – The number of IPL sessions was 8, instead of 4 approved by the FDA.
    – The study concluded that symptoms of DED were improved by the use of IPL, whereas FDA cleared only improvement of signs
  • Dr. Arita was a consultant of Lumenis.
  • No person known to Lumenis has provided funding for the study.
  • The publication doesn’t discuss any unapproved uses of the device.

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The 2024 IPL Report

    PB-00038930 Rev A