
The most powerful CO2 laser in aesthetic medicine
- UltraPulse can penetrate deeper than any aesthetic CO2 laser
- Exceptional ablation/coagulation ratio
- Highly Advanced Scanners For Maximum Versatility, Speed and Efficacy

Stretching the limits of performance

DeepFX™ | ActiveFX™ Fractional Modes

Exceptional Ablation/Coagulation Ratio

Deepest Impact with SCAAR FX™ Mode

Shortest Pulse Duration
Indications & Treatments

Scar Revision
The SCAAR FX™ mode available as part of the UltraPulse® system, allows for advanced treatment of a variety of severely damaged skin lesions which require synergistic coagulation and ablation for advanced resurfacing (SCAAR).

Acne Scars
Lumenis CO2 ablative technologies dramatically decrease scars, even very deep ones, as well as repair damaged skin and improve skin tone.

Syringomas are benign tumors, typically found clustered on eyelids, although they may also be found in other body parts. These can be treated by CO2 laser in a safe, and nonscarring method.

Lumenis offers a complete laser blepharoplasty solution that combines an incisional solution with complementary eyelid resurfacing. With laser assisted incisions, bleeding during the procedure as well as post-surgery bruising are reduced.

Fractional ablative resurfacing
Ablative skin resurfacing procedures use lasers to reduce the signs of aging, improve skin texture, laxity and tone, and reduce scars and stretch marks. Ablative resurfacing is ideal for patients seeking a dramatic improvement in a single session.

Rhinophyma is a disorder causing development of a large, bulbous nose associated with granulomatous infiltration, commonly due to untreated rosacea. This can be treated with CO2 laser as a surgical tool.

Skin resurfacing
The Lumenis™ CO2 ablative technologies enable a high rate of improvement for skin damage and skin tone with minimal downtime. This is due to their unique pulse technologies and tailored treatment modes.

Scar revision results
Emily Mitchel has suffered from a burn accident leaving scars all over her neck. Her confidence went down, while she felt sad about her appearance. Emily had her life turned around by Lumenis UltraPulse CO2 laser treatments, the freed her from a lifelong struggle with her scars.
Emily Mitchell
“Elizabeth Perez’s life came to a halt due to a severe burn, covering almost the entire surface of her skin. Thanks to Dr. Chad Hivnor’s treatments with Lumenis’ UltraPulse CO2 laser, Elizabeth has been given new hope.”
Elizabeth Perez
Wounded warrior Pat Wilkinson was injured in Iraq in 2008, losing his right leg and suffering severe burns on his limbs. Thanks to Lumenis’ UltraPulse CO2 laser, the pain from his surgical scars and burn scars, as well as his range of motion improved significantly, even after the first treatment.
Pat Wilkinson
The Berns triplets suffered 3rd degree burn injuries when a house fire took a life of their mother 20 years ago. The sisters have undergone multiple surgeries through the years to heal their wounds, but the scars remained. They’ve reached to Dr. Waibel who together with Lumenis agreed to provide them the UltraPulse CO2 laser treatment for their scars free of charge.
Dr. Waibel with the Berns Triplets on the Today Show
UltraPulse. Optimal verastility
Treat fine lines, texture & dyschroma
Treat wrinkles & acne scars
Combine superficial & deep fractional effects
Treat deep, conspicuous and complex lesions
Adjustable Healing Zone Volume
Spot Size
1.3mm & 0.12mm

ActiveFX (CPG)
ActiveFX (CPG) & DeepFX

Clinical Evidence
Ultrapulse Carbon Dioxide Laser Ablation of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum: A Case Series
Vikas Pathania, Manas Chatterjee
(2012) Lesion Dimensions Following Ablative Fractional Laser Treatment in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer and Premalignant Lesions
Katrine Togsverdbo & Uwe Paasch & Christina S. Haak & Merete Haederstal
(2014) Laser treatment of traumatic scars with an emphasis on ablative
fractional laser resurfacing: consensus report
Anderson RR, Donelan MB, Hivnor C, Greeson E, Ross EV, Shumaker PR, Uebelhoer NS, Waibel JS
(2014) Ablative fractional laser resurfacing helps treat restrictive pediatric scar contractures
Krakowski AC, Goldenberg, Eichenfield LF, Murray JP, Shumaker PR
Hear from our Doctors
UltraPulse Speed and UltraPulse
Dr.Ross on UltraPulse Speed and Power
Doctors talks about restoring hope to their patients with the UltraPulse.
Dr. Jill S. Waibel, Dr. Rox Anderson, Dr. E. Victor Ross, Dr. Nathan S. Uebelhoer, Dr. Tina Alster, Dr. Matthias B. Donelan, and Dr. Peter R. Shumaker
Dr. Daniel Friedmann on UltraPulse
Dr. Daniel Friedmann explains why he loves UltraPulse Above and Beyond for anything from skin care to scar treatment.
Dr. Daniel Friedmann
Dr. Hivnor Treating Wounded Warrirors
Watch Dr. Hivnor as he zaps the scars of wars using the UltraPulse.
Dr. Hivnor
Highly Advanced Scanners For Maximum Versatility, Speed And Efficacy
UltraPulse© Configuration
Treatment Mode
Spot size & distribution
Deep impact for treating wrinkles, acne scars and other deep cosmetic lesions
Deepest impact for treating thick, complex lesions
0.12 mm
Low, sub-ablative fluency for mild treatment of dyschromia
Wide range of settings, including the CO2 Lite™, ActiveFX Gentel™ , ActiveFX™ and MaxFX™ modes, for full and fractional treatment of texture and pigment inconsistencies
1.3 mm
All the above
A full range of treatment possibilities, from mildest to the most aggressive – all in one
0.12 mm and 1.3 mm
Collimated 2.0mm handpiece for fact and precise tissue ablation and coagulation with consistent fluency
2.0 mm
0.2mm focused handpiece for clean, precise incisions
0.2 mm
UltraPulse® – State Of The Art Technology
The UltraPulse® laser boasts the Gold Standard UltraPulse® technology, enabling the deepest and safest impact, as well as a full range of advanced capabilities for fractional and full resurfacing, at an unparalleled range of depths.
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Get our Clinical Casebook. A collection of Before & After images from around the world

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