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Dry Eye

How OptiLIGHT’s Rapid ROI Is Driving Expansion of My Dry Eye Practice

January 15, 2024
Sabrina Gaan
Sabrina Gaan, OD

Sabrina Gaan, OD is a primary care optometrist, dry eye expert, and owner of Eyes on Plainville in Plainville, Massachusetts.

When I built my dry eye clinic, getting OptiLIGHT was a top priority. In a field where there are lots of remedies with limited effects, I wanted a real, proven, IPL FDA-approved solution to treating dry eye’s underlying inflammation.

Through my 10 years working as an associate and then in a solo retail environment, I had referred patients for Lumenis IPL treatment, and the results were amazing! Patients came back happy, telling me their dry eye was significantly better, and I saw the improvements in inflammation, meibomian gland structure, and tear break up time.1 Even my dry eye patients who had tried everything for 10-plus years finally found success with OptiLIGHT.

When I bought a local practice to expand my dry eye treatment capabilities, all of this past experience, combined with OptiLIGHT’s industry-leading technology made the purchase an easy decision for me. Although I was excited about OptiLIGHT’s value to my patients, I didn’t know how long it would take to see a return on my investment. I quickly found out: Revenues totaled $120K in the first year. I’m still going strong and reinvesting OptiLIGHT revenues to expand my practice.

Keys to OptiLIGHT’s Rapid ROI 

When I began using OptiLIGHT, I calculated that I could make my payment every month if I got 2 new OptiLIGHT patients per week. This turned out to be easier than expected. A few influential factors contributed to my fast ROI:

    • I built case volume early – Knowing my OptiLIGHT device was coming soon, I stopped referring patients for treatment and started a waitlist. Within 2 months after it arrived, I was treating 3-4 patients per week, and the numbers continued to increase. I got OptiLIGHT in July 2022; in the first quarter of 2023, revenues were $42K. During winter, I saw 10-20 patients per week, and although treatment volume dips during summer when potential sun exposure reduces demand for light-based therapies, I still did about 7 treatments per week during summer months. Patients continue to return for maintenance treatments if needed 6-12 months after completing 4 sessions.
    • Lumenis’ marketing attracted new patients and referring doctors Growth in treatment volume has happened organically from Lumenis’ marketing. I started by treating my own growing dry eye patient base with OptiLIGHT. Very soon, I began seeing 3-5 new patients per month through Lumenis’ online directory of OptiLIGHT providers. Some patients searched the directory themselves, and others were referred by doctors who checked it. By delivering new OptiLIGHT patients every month, Lumenis’ strong marketing presence significantly accelerated my ROI. Their name recognition also allowed more patients to find me through internet searches for local OptiLIGHT. These patients and referring doctors never would have found me if I’d chosen to get an inferior, off-label IPL device. As my base of patients happy with their OptiLIGHT results grew, their word-of-mouth referrals continued to grow exponentially as well, ensuring a continual flow of new patients.
    • Revenues are unburdened by pricey disposables – To calculate the potential ROI for OptiLIGHT, consider that its only proprietary disposable is the OptiTips. So, while a thermal device I use in my clinic requires $200 in consumables for each treatment, I only spend a little over $25 on disposables for each OptiLIGHT treatment (OptiTip, a plastic cup for water, a tongue depressor, and gel). The rest is revenue.

OptiLIGHT Revenues Are Driving My Practice’s Growth 

I started using OptiLIGHT in July, and by October, I needed another doctor, so I hired an associate to share the workload treating dry eye patients. It’s been amazing! We’re generating more revenue, so now I can step back one day a week and enjoy more quality time for myself. I’ve also reinvested the revenues in a new slit lamp with meibography and video capture to enhance the dry eye clinic. The engine behind all of this success is OptiLIGHT, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

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    1. Toyos R, Desai NR, Toyos M, Dell SJ. Intense pulsed light improves signs and symptoms of dry eye disease due to meibomian gland dysfunction: A randomized controlled study. PLoS One. 2022;17(6):e0270268. Published 2022 Jun 23. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0270268

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